Get a data-driven answer to the question which tech career is RIGHT for me?

We have spent hours researching the best tech career opportunities in 2023 and categorized them by salary, skills, demand, and a bunch of more useful metrics. So, you can find the right tech career path in minutes.

⚡Finding the right tech career path is easier than every before with 10Pie career finder database

The challenge 

Starting your research to find the right tech career can be overwhelming, as dozens of career options are available in the technology field.

As a beginner, you might be unclear about choosing the right technology career option that matches your education eligibility, key skills or strength, salary expectation, and more.

The traditional approach goes like this:

  1. Make a list of top technology career options (via Google search, ask your seniors, use AI tools, etc.)
  2. Research through articles and tools to find industry growth, salary range, required skills, etc.
  3. Understand the job roles and responsibilities
  4. Then decide the option right for you.

As you can see, finding the right technology career option is time-consuming, which may often restrict your research to a limited number of job opportunities.

The solution 

Introducing 10Pie Tech Career Finder. This is a database of top technology career options that anyone can use to find the right career option based on:

  • Salary scope
  • Industry growth
  • Skills
  • Time to learn the basics of the field from scratch
  • Required level of math and coding skills

10Pie will also help you start your technology journey by providing resources on:

  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Discover currently available jobs on LinkedIn (in just 1-click)
  • Free learning resources

How we created this technology career finder database (methodology):

1. Tech career

First, we researched the top trending technology career options globally. This includes researching through job portals, search engines, and LinkedIn. Also, we interviewed people from the technology field to understand what job descriptions to add to this database.

5. Coding skills

For every job description, you will find how much coding skills are required to master the job role.

We relied entirely on manual research and the experience of our content editors to populate the insights for each job profile.

9. Roles & responsibilities

We have used ChatGPT to create the roles and responsibilities of the job description. However, our tech content editor has reviewed the content to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information.

2. Job Description

We aimed to add a quick introduction about the job description under 2-3 sentences max, so users quickly get an overview of the job role.

We used ChatGPT to create the job descriptions, and later we hired a tech editor to get the content reviewed for accuracy.

6. Math skills

Like coding skills, you will find how much math skills are essential to master the job role.

Again, we have done manual research to populate the insights.

10. Key skills

We have used ChatGPT to create the key required skills for the job description. However, our tech content editor has reviewed the content to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information.

3. Avg annual salary ($)

We have considered the annual average salary in the United States as default. For salary range insights, we relied on websites like Glassdoor, Indeed, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, and ZipRecruiter.

7. How long does it take to learn the basics?

Calculating how much time is required to excel at any technology job role is subjective. It depends on the students, time resources, background knowledge, etc.

To simplify, we have estimated the time required to learn the basics of a specific job role.

11. Learning resources

We understand how overwhelming it is for a beginner to find the right resources (especially free) to learn tech skills. We have curated the best free resources for each job profile to help users learn from basics to advanced topics.

4. Interest (past 5 years)

The interest column in the dataset shows the growth in global searches on Google over the past 5 years. We used Google Trends to calculate the search demand growth with the following settings:

  • Past 5 years
  • Worldwide search interest

8. See jobs on LinkedIn

For every job description, we searched the available jobs worldwide on LinkedIn. So, users can discover available job opportunities in just one click in the database.

P.S. We have spent hours researching and organizing the database and used chatGPT to add ‘job descriptions’ and ‘roles-responsibilities’. 

Common questions on finding the right tech career option

Here are some helpful use cases of this tool for students:

  • Find technology career options where math and coding skills are not required much
  • Only explore tech career opportunities where the time to learn the basics of the field is 10-12 months
  • Sort the database by highest annual average salary
  • See career opportunities where the entry-level education is a bachelor’s degree

Multiple companies in the job market are looking for freshers. These companies train freshers to make them learn new technologies. Thus, even without experience, you can secure a tech job and start your career. However, doing a few internships before going for a job is recommended. 

There are multiple specialities in the IT field from which you can choose one you like. Check what are the skills required in the job profile and what the opportunities are. Learn the skills if you don’t know them already, do some internships, and start applying for the required job profile in different companies to start your IT career. You can check out 10pie for career guidance and to know about on-demand technical skills.

You don’t need to know coding for all jobs in the IT field. For example, there are several management and analyst profiles that you can apply for. However, if you have a knack for coding and wish to have a higher salary grade, you can learn it from online sources. 

Job roles like software developer, software engineer, information security expert and analyst, data science engineer, cloud computing specialist, AI and ML expert, and cybersecurity specialist are some of the most in-demand technologies in IT. You can learn more and get guidance from 10pie. Do check them out.

To get into a tech career, not everyone needs to know coding. People can opt for many other specialists, analysts, and managerial roles. However, if you wish to learn the skill, you can learn it from some online sources and master the skill to land a high-paying coding job.

In today’s world, getting into IT and starting a career there doesn’t require a degree in IT or computer science. What matters is the skills that one possesses, and if you have the right skills and the adaptability to work in a high-pressure environment, you can start a tech career even without a degree.

Most IT jobs don’t require mathematical skills because even basic math and fundamental knowledge of mathematical concepts will work. Many job roles in a tech career don’t require math at all.