Write for Us: Technology, Development, Coding, Software engineering, IT/Tech career

Looking to contribute to authority websites in the tech career and software development niches? If so, 10Pie is the place for you. To get featured and reach thousands of visitors every month.

10Pie is India’s leading resource hub for launching and growing tech careers. We’re looking for expert contributors to share valuable insights on technology, tech recruitment, IT development, and programming languages. 

Topics we are interested in:

  • Coding
  • Software development
  • Tech/IT career
  • HTML
  • Data science
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Java
  • CSS
  • Cybersecurity
  • Software developer
  • Software engineering

Content guidelines to follow to get your article approved

1. Writing introduction

  • Is it concise (80-100 words max)?
  • Does it clearly state the purpose and benefits of the article?
  • For bottom-of-funnel topics: Does it include relevant social proof or case study data?

2. Content Structure

  • Does it follow the inverted pyramid style, providing key information upfront?
  • Are headings and subheadings (H3) used effectively to break up content?
  • Are paragraphs limited to 3 lines max?

3. Content Quality

  • Is the content trustworthy and credible?
  • Does it answer common reader questions?
  • Does it provide a unique perspective, not just summarizing top-ranking articles?
  • Is it extremely actionable for readers?

4. Writing Style

  • Is the content conversational in tone?
  • Are simple, everyday words used instead of jargon or complex terms?
  • Are sentences concise and to-the-point?

5. Credibility and References

  • Are external references included with descriptive anchor texts?
  • Are statistics and data points from authoritative sources cited?
  • For technical articles: Are research papers from Google Scholar cited?

6. Readability

  • Does it pass the Hemingway Editor test with a grade level of 9 or fewer?
  • Are bullet points used where appropriate?
  • Is the content easy to scan?

7. Definitions and Quick Answers

  • Are definitions provided in the first 2-3 lines when relevant?
  • Do quick answers follow the recommended structure?

8. Research Quality

  • Does the article show evidence of diverse research sources (e.g., niche communities, expert interviews, PDFs)?
  • Does it offer unique insights not found in top-ranking articles?

9. Lack of Personal Opinion

  • Are personal opinions avoided unless specifically requested?
  • Are claims backed by data, statistics, or expert quotes?

10. Content Value

  • Does every sentence add unique value to the article?
  • Is there minimal fluff or unnecessary information?

11. Visuals and Examples

  • Are relevant examples provided to illustrate points?
  • Are screenshots, images, or diagrams included where helpful?

How to Submit your article for approval?

Email your pitch to [email protected] with the subject line “Write for us: [Your Topic]

Include the following details in your email:

  • Your name and brief bio about the author
  • Your area(s) of expertise
  • LinkedIn profile URL of the author
  • 2-3 topic ideas with brief outlines
  • A writing sample or link to your published work

Our content review process

  • We’ll respond to your pitch within 5-7 business days.
  • If accepted, we’ll provide additional guidelines and a submission deadline.
  • We may request revisions to ensure the article meets our quality standards.
  • Final articles will be subject to editing for clarity and style.

Find us on Google

To find our Write for us page on Google, you can use any of the following search terms:

  • “Write for us” + Coding
  • “Write for us” + Software development
  • “Write for us” + Tech/IT career
  • “Write for us” + HTML
  • “Write for us” + Data science
  • “Write for us” + Artificial intelligence
  • “Write for us” + Machine learning
  • “Write for us” + Java
  • “Write for us” + CSS
  • “Write for us” + Cybersecurity
  • “Write for us” + Software developer
  • “Write for us” + Software engineering


Please be aware that submitting a pitch or article does not guarantee publication on 10Pie. We carefully review all submissions to ensure they align with our content standards and audience needs. 

10Pie reserves the right to approve or reject any blog topic or article at our discretion. While we appreciate every submission, we can only publish content that best serves our readers and meets our quality criteria.